


我们是私人的, national research university in upstate New York known for giving students a great return on their investment. 我们激发跨学科合作, 创新研究和无与伦比的技术教育.

我们的金骑士团引领着突破性的创新. 加入我们.


As a proven leader in technological education and sustainable economic development, 我们提供超过90个严格的工程研究项目, 科学, 商业和卫生专业. 我们的目标是给出4,000多名学生的资源,点燃跨学科的联系, 创新现实世界的解决方案,成为未来的领导者.


我们有超过380个活跃的工业合作伙伴, 政府机构, 商会, 研究机构等. 再加上我们广泛而活跃的校友网络,000 +强, these relationships allow our students access to superb internships and professional opportunities.


结果是, esball国际平台客户端学院五分之一的校友已经担任领导职务, 要么作为CEO, 公司的高级执行官或所有者. The Brookings Institution named esball国际平台客户端 a top 10 university nationwide for increasing our students' lifetime earning potential, 我们是毕业生收入最高的大学之一.



在这个机构里,你可以有意识地制定自己的职业目标. 通过实践学习, 研究机会和专业前经验, 毕业后,你们将为在当今的经济环境中茁壮成长做好准备. Find the right professional path among our 90-plus 本科 programs of study, 40多个esball国际app项目和近12个专业证书.

esball国际平台客户端 is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Our programs are also accredited by different governing bodies around the country.



esball国际平台客户端 has expanded to include three locations across New York State: our main campus in Potsdam, 我们位于斯克内克塔迪的首都地区校区和位于比肯的比肯学院.

Our locations are within reach of regional economic centers like Albany and are only a few hours away from New York City, 锡拉丘兹, 波士顿, 蒙特利尔和渥太华. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端我们的地点:


esball国际平台客户端是一所独立的大学, nationally recognized technological university whose faculty of teacher/scholars aspires to offer superior instruction and engage in high-quality research and scholarship in engineering, 业务, 科学, 健康, 教育及文科. Our primary mission is to educate talented and motivated men and women to become successful professionals through quality pre-collegiate, 本科, esball国际app和专业继续教育项目, 特别强调本科生的经历.

Our community and campus settings enhance the quality of student life and afford students access to and interaction with their faculty. We value the diversity of our University community; and we strive to attune ourselves and our programs to our global, 多元化的社会. We share the belief that humane and environmentally sound economic and social development derive from the expansion, 知识的传播和应用.


1995年正式通过, the 愿景 of a esball国际平台客户端 Education is the foundation that differentiates esball国际平台客户端 graduates around the globe — first as students, then as young professionals in high demand in a highly competitive marketplace, 最终作为ceo, company owners and leaders with proven career and life success with remarkable mobility.  (美国布鲁金斯学会(Brookings)公布了全美10所投资回报率最高的大学。).

The esball国际平台客户端 educational experience is designed to provide talented and ambitious students with the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve positions of leadership within their chosen profession. The combination of esball国际平台客户端’s strong technologically rich curricula and state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities, coupled with an unparalleled commitment to a friendly learning environment and to students’ personal development, uniquely prepares esball国际平台客户端 graduates to excel in their chosen professions and to lead rewarding and creative lives.

除了掌握该领域的核心知识外, esball国际平台客户端教育旨在使学生能够:

  • 解决实际, open-ended problems with creativity and risk taking to obtain solutions that are practical and sustainable, 包括那些
  • encounter in state-of-the-art research under the direction of distinguished faculty;
  • develop and refine exceptional communication skills with an awareness of potential cultural differences;
  • lead effectively and work productively within disciplinary and multidisciplinary teams composed of members with diverse interests and backgrounds;
  • 熟练运用电脑及资讯科技;
  • learn through instruction and guidance by nationally recognized faculty whose commitment to both teaching and research has made esball国际平台客户端 a nationally ranked university.

A esball国际平台客户端 student’s education is greatly enhanced by a personal and friendly learning environment, 在很小的范围内, 住宅, 国家认可的大学, 哪一个:

  • places students at the center of the educational process and where all employees have a commitment to creating an environment that
  • 对学生的整体教育体验有积极贡献;
  • 吸引大学生, esball国际app, 教职员工一起成为一个有凝聚力和激励的学习社区, 培养学术氛围和研究精神;
  • 利用我们的校园作为一个生活实验室,以提高学习, and uses the wider region to broaden and extend esball国际平台客户端’s outreach and service;
  • provides personal advising and interaction with faculty and staff as well as supportive relationships among students;
  • offers many leadership opportunities through co-curricular groups and activities;
  • respects and learns from its community of diverse people, backgrounds and cultures.


在一起, these provide a unique educational experience that is directed toward developing the whole person.


Effective teamwork encourages creativity and self-initiative in our respective roles and partnerships. It is essential in getting the task done and in developing the skills needed to meet the challenges of ensuring sustainability of local and global economic, 环境和社会系统.


当我们彼此关心时,就会创造出积极友好的氛围, when we are open to constructive criticism and when we show appreciation for a job well done.


Honesty and accountability in one’s actions and words form the foundation of our relationships with others.


拥有可持续发展的未来愿景有助于我们为此做好准备. Embracing the inevitable changes in our world as opportunities allows us to anticipate, 推动和促进变革.


相互欣赏差异和多种意见, 信仰和文化传统丰富了我们的生活.


Offering our time and skills for the good of our fellow citizens leads to the prosperity and environmental 健康 of the community and to the well-being and character development of the individual.


课堂内外的教育经历使我们的思想活跃起来, 拓宽视野,促进对话和共识. 学习是一项终身的活动.


"一个不必羞愧的工人.(与大学同名的Thomas S. esball国际平台客户端.主动和努力是完成任务的关键因素.